Twelve Years an Architect

Twelve Years an Architect, my journey so far.

2010 was a big year for me, a huge move across the Indian Ocean, the starting at a world-famous architecture firm that does smart projects across the globe with a work ethic like no other, but more importantly the granting of my architecture license by the Council of Architecture. It has been twelve years hence and as I renew my license this year, I feel tremendously hopeful of what the future has in store for me. The last twelve years, 144 full moons and a lot of learning in this vast and diverse field that constitutes the making of things, small and big, sometimes a handle and at other times a building. The best is yet to come, and I simply am super enthused about it.

Meanwhile here are brief samples of work that came my way in the last twelve years. There a many of course that haven’t made it in this video, but they are all dear to me, being a part of my journey, they and have played a huge role in what I am today and what I seek to be in the future. This year is truly special with all the work pouring in, diverse, challenging work that’s has me stepping up to newer and brighter avenues. It’s been long in the coming and the path has been winding so far, I sincerely hope that this path straightens up in the next twelve years.

Raring to go, beaming with a curious sense of design, clear in the head, hopeful in the heart, I continue my journey in the field of architecture, sometimes witnessing, sometimes drawing inspiration, sometimes happily inspiring, at other times keenly learning. Thank you all dear readers for reading, incidentally, this blog completes 11 years this year, I started it a year after attaining my professional license. Soon we will have an option of listening in, with a podcast and an aural reading of the blog articles starting now. So read on, listen in and have me design your home, workplace or precinct!

Also : Now listen to the blog on Spotify!