Hear me now!


The bells are chiming aloud

marking the journey abound


There are but a few twinkles

those worth many a wrinkle


Where laughs bring together

curves tumbler after tumbler


A hope is a prayer surrendered

to the mighty heavens rendered


Lots to come and lots afore

words are but slight vendors


Selling dreams if not relief

sharing tomes of stories brief


Breaking the sound of silence

with chatter without violence


The chirpiness of my voice

will leave you with no choice


But to embrace the peppiness

bespeckled with sheer happiness


So go on and hear the leaps

of silent poise and deep belief


The buoyancy of the matter

lies in never-ending chatter


Tune out the quiet wonder

for a witty whimsical launder


Hear now loud and hear again

for life is short to over begin


While you wait for warm appeal

toasting stars that you can see


and all the joy you can feel

For then, allow me to speak.